A New Life Style
As an innovative platform, ReJobbing aims at building communities that foster work for seniors, retirees and more broadly, flex-workers.
ReJobbing’s communities are diverse and include both job providers and job seekers.
A ReJobber (friendly name for our job seeker) has a unique opportunity to take part in various activities that will help them build a new life style centered around a more fulfilling use of their free time (either it be retiring time or any other form of free time).
We encourage full membership so that you can maximize the benefits provided by our platform. The platform has two main communities at this point: ReJobbers and Employers with the ambition of creating further communities for the benefit of our members. Visit our FAQs section to get answers to some of the common questions you might have and do not hesitate to directly send us other inquiries you may have.
Register as a member today and be a ReJobber/Employer!